While research shows that 58% of
Brits believe lean red meat (beef, pork and lamb) is part of a healthy balanced
diet [1], recent blanket health messages to reduce the amount of red meat we eat has
created confusion; driving unbalanced diets and the risk of iron deficiency,
particularly among women.
Red meat is the richest and most readily
absorbed source of iron and zinc in the diet and a significant provider of
Contradictory information makes it hard
for people to make the right dietary choices. In fact, research for the Meat
Advisory Panel (MAP) shows that consumers regard dietary advice from unqualified
celebrity chefs, bloggers and wellness gurus, with the same authority as that
from dietitians and government campaigns [2].
The World Cancer Research Fund
recommends eating no more than 500 grams of red meat (cooked weight) each week,
while UK dietary guidelines are up to 70g a day. But what does this mean?
To provide some much needed
clarity, MAP has launched a simple, up to ‘five-a-week’ message to help people
find the right balance of red meat in their diets.
Very few people have the time or
inclination to weigh out foods, so a really simple way to visualise a 70g
portion is to compare it to the palm of your hand, a standard mobile phone or
pack of playing cards.
To give you an idea of how this
translates into individual meat portions, 70g is the equivalent to three slices
of back bacon; six thin slices of beef, pork or ham; one and a half standard
sausages or four to five meat balls.
Giving people simple strategies to eat
the right size portions is a much better approach than simplistic eat ‘more’ or
‘less’ advice and the only way we are going to address the dietary confusion
that is common place in the eating habits of some many people today.
- Eat red meat five times a week
- Only eat meat with main meals
- Use the palm of your hand, mobile phone or pack of cards to measure portion size
- Choose lean cuts of meat – picking back bacon over streaky bacon for example
- Opt for thinner sausages and slices of ham
Dr Emma Derbyshire is a Public Health Nutritionist and member of the
Meat Advisory Panel (MAP) – a group of independent scientists and health
professionals tasked to provide objective and evidence-based information about
red meat and its role as part of a healthy, balanced diet. MAP is funded by an educational grant from
the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).