Since the 1970s, dietary fats have been a major target of Government nutrition policy, with advice to lower fat intake making a regular appearance in dietary initiatives. Yet current science seems to indicate that not all fats are equal, suggesting that our rather negative view of dietary fats needs to be updated.
Fats can be grouped into two different ‘families’ called saturated and unsaturated fats. Within these, there are several categories of fatty acids, as shown below:
- Saturated fats: mainly from animal foods, such as dairy products, chocolate and meat products (pies and pasties), but also from some plant foods, such as coconut
- Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats: mainly from oily fish, eggs, red meat, nuts, seeds and marine oil supplements
- Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats: mainly from vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil and rapeseed oil, poultry, eggs, avocado and nuts
- Omega-9 polyunsaturated fats: mainly from olive oil, rapeseed oil and nut oils.
There is also debate from some nutrition commentators on whether saturated fat should be targeted at all in dietary recommendations due to the weak association between saturated fat consumption and mortality from cardiovascular disease. However, this view has not been accepted by Government experts and more evidence is needed.
In the meantime, it is wise to continue choosing lower fat, nutrient-rich foods which provide a variety of types of fatty acids in the diet. Lean red meat is a good choice as it is now lower in fat and calories thanks to changes in farming practices over the past few decades. In fact many people don’t realise that red meat, on average, contains more unsaturated than saturated fats. It also contains a range of fatty acids, including those from the beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 groups.
Hunter JE, Zhang J, Kris-Etherton PM. Cardiovascular disease risk of dietary
stearic acid compared with trans, other saturated, and unsaturated fatty acids:
a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;91:46–63.
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